Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's the Mature Thing to Do

What is an easy way for a teenager to appear mature? Drink alcohol! Since the legal drinking age is 21, 21 comes off as an age of maturity to young adults. They feel that if they drink, they will also look mature. Looking mature seems to be what all teens in society want to do so that they will be respected by others. This misconception leads to teens wanting to consume alcohol even more.

You are not likely to find an adult party without alcohol. There are always a variety of drinks available at these parties because they are hosted by mature adults (those that are 21 and older). Individuals under the age of 18 see these parties and think, “Well I should drink alcohol too so that I will appear as a mature adult.” The thing that is not so great with this thought is that at 18, one is supposed to already be considered an adult! However, alcohol is what sets apart an immature adult from a mature adult.

Misconceptions about maturity related to alcohol are giving the definition of “maturity” a negative meaning. Maturity should not be viewed as a trait that comes after the consumption of alcohol. Maturity’s definition should not be related to alcohol at all. Having the drinking age at 18 would not cause the definition of maturity to be confused. Lawmakers need to realize that having a high drinking age is doing nothing but causing problems


  1. Hmmm...is it really a sign of maturity when drinking alcohol? I'm not quite sure maturity is the correct word in this context. There are certainty numerous of adults who drink alcohol and are not considered mature because of the way they act. Being mature is being fully developed as a person, with respect to the body and mind.

    I believe a better word for this would be "cool" or "fitting in"

    Sure some mature people drink alcohol, but it's not the only mature activity there is...

  2. It may not necessarily be maturity, but this is what teenagers are perceiving the consumption of alcohol as. Many teenagers have the notion that drinking alcohol is mature set in their minds, which makes it difficult for them to see it as anything else. The words "cool" and "fitting in" are also linked to the word "mature." I feel that being mature is in a way being cool. Therefore, either way, alcohol is seen as all of these descriptive words making teenagers want to drink even more.
